Just a quick update that my dad has been awake! After being mostly unresponsive for a whole day, he awoke. He is still very tired (and seems to not be in too much pain). He doesn’t say much but understands quite a bit. He sips on water and ice chips and loves him some ice […]

Hello Everyone- On July 30th we checked my father into the Mercy Hospice unit here in Iowa City. He was treated for pneumonia and a bladder infection. He also had a blood transfusion. His throat muscles became so weak that drinking water was too difficult for a few days and the only food we could […]

It’s amazing how life changes so quickly. Ten days ago my dad was great and now the last few days have been very difficult for him. Last week his weight was 123 and he was still able to ride his recumbent bike (50 pedals at a time) and exercise with exercise tubing. As of this […]

Dad is doing amazing!  He is in no pain at all and tolerating the chemo really well.  (he does walk everywhere with a cane now.) He even gained a little over a pound in the last week. (He has lost about 20-25 since this all started.) He will have two more treatments next week and […]

  We got to meet with the multiple myeloma specialist today.  This doctor has only been here in Iowa since February but has been studying myeloma for over 20 years.   The plan is to do chemotherapy twice next week and then have a week off and then do two more sessions the third week. […]

We are now home from our two night stay in the hospital. My dad had a successful blood transfusion and is doing great. I even got him on the recumbent bike today.  We also have an appointment set up next week with the doctor from the University of Iowa who is a Multple Myeloma specialist. […]


June 9, 2012. Atlas World Grill Iowa City. (approx 200 guests!). Thank you, Ben for the video!

We are currently at Mercy Hospital in Iowa City. Last night my father passed out at home and was brought to the ER. He stayed here last night and will again tonight but we hope he will be home tomorrow.  His iron is very low (side effect of multiple myeloma) and his kidneys are not […]

So far I’d say my dad is doing pretty well.  Two weeks ago, we didn’t think he would be well enough to attend his party.  He had been so nauseated for three weeks straight that he was not getting any nutrients and not able to stay hydrated.  For some reason, before he even began radiation […]


We made a bunch of these to hand out at the party.