Completed Last Radiation Treatment

So far I’d say my dad is doing pretty well. 

Two weeks ago, we didn’t think he would be well enough to attend his party.  He had been so nauseated for three weeks straight that he was not getting any nutrients and not able to stay hydrated.  For some reason, before he even began radiation treatment, his stomach was not tolerating much of anything.  We think he may have gotten an ulcer from all the Advil we had been giving him to treat his back and side pains; that was before we even knew he had Multiple Myeloma.  So, as you can imagine, he was pretty ill.  We finally got blood work done and they sent him in the next day for an IV and that seemed to help.  We also found he had some signs of anemia. 

One night, about a week before the party, I went over to my parent’s house at 11pm because I was so worried about him.  I found my mother, my father and my brother were all still awake and already discussing if we should take him to the ER.  He had been complaining of a heavy chest, and was very congested…we were worried about pneumonia.  He had to sleep in a reclined chair that night to breath better.  The next day we met with a doctor and they changed some of his medications that could have actually been dehydrating him further and they gave him some prednisone and an inhaler and finally got him some anti-nausea medication.  They ruled out pneumonia and heart failure.  For the few days prior to that we had to transport him in a wheelchair to his appointments and one day (before the IV) he literally collapsed into his reclining chair from exhaustion.  After the change in medications and the IV, he was so much better.  We had a few more minor set backs and one more trip to the ER to get his body back on track, but we have finally got him stabilized. 

The weekend of the party was his best weekend so far since this all began and I am so grateful for that.  Now he is eating and drinking fluids.  He is, understandably, a bit depressed and he doesn’t have as much energy as he used to, but he is brave and shows no fear.  He often says to me, “Dimitra, I no ‘fraid.  No worry.”  I think there his hope that he can go on and continue to enjoy life quite a bit longer if his condition, at the very least, maintains. 

He finished his 15th and final radiation treatment on Monday this week and we are now waiting for a 4 week follow up to see what the next steps are.  (I have no idea what options are or what they are thinking about for next steps.)  I am excited that we found a Multiple Myeloma specialist here at the University of Iowa and we are in the process of passing along my dad’s case to them to see if they can help in any way. 

Until then, know that my dad is as good has he has been in a long time and we appreciate you taking the time to check in on us.    If any of you are interested in Skype, please let me know.  We are setting that up for my parents to use.  🙂    XOXOXO


  1. dick braverman · · Reply

    Bill, you have our very best wishes…..What can I say “No Use” like you alway have a way saying that. Its so much of what you are. As you say life continues and we take each day at a time!
    Don’t forget, Phyl & I will come over but only to take you and Mary Jo out for lunch.

    1. Thanks for stopping by the blog and for taking time to write something. You were a good friend to my dad; you made him smile. Thank you for taking the time to come by and visit him. 🙂 -Dimitra

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