Starting Chemotherapy Next Week


We got to meet with the multiple myeloma specialist today.  This doctor has only been here in Iowa since February but has been studying myeloma for over 20 years.  

The plan is to do chemotherapy twice next week and then have a week off and then do two more sessions the third week.  They will give him an IV drug and we will be giving thalidomide.  His chemo drugs can have an anti nauseia effect and cause neuropathy in the hands and feet.  The hope is that the neuropathy will be temporary. The goal is for remission of the myeloma. My dad will be given steroids and some medication to help with protection from germs.  He will have to be careful to avoid anyone with cold or flu.  Also the thalidomide has a very high risk for birth defects; so my dad can’t get anyone knocked up while he is taking it.  😉

There is still quite a concern for his kidney function so we are trying to get him 3.5 liters of water a day.  If any of you call him or stop by, make sure you get him to take a swig of water. 🙂

Before today I was very against putting my dad through chemotherapy.  However if we choose to not to do anything, the cancer will continue to eat away his bone marrow and fractures will be inevitable along with many terrible side effects from the break down of the bone and loss of bone marrow.  I do believe this doctor is an expert with multiple myeloma and I believe him when he says remission is possible.  My father asked him to shoot him or give him rat poison but I guess they are going to wait onthat. 😉

This doctor told us there are two types of multiple myeloma and so we will do a hip biopsy tomorrow to see what kind he has.  If that all goes well, we will continue with chemotherapy on Monday.  

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