Dad is Great!

Dad is doing amazing!  He is in no pain at all and tolerating the chemo really well.  (he does walk everywhere with a cane now.) He even gained a little over a pound in the last week. (He has lost about 20-25 since this all started.) He will have two more treatments next week and then I guess we have another follow up in about a month and see how his body is responding.  

We had a scare two weekends ago- my dad is fine btw- he was standing and reaching for a glass of water and he fell backwards to the floor and hit his head on the recumbant bike.  AMAZINGLY (given all his bone lesions on his ribs, sternum and hip) he didn’t break a thing.  Just had a bump on his head for less than 24hrs. 

I think my mom is very tired and this has been very mentally exhausting for her but she does a  great job caring for him and being with him all the time.  My dad encourages my mom to continue with her own exercising and taking care of herself. 

What an interesting moment in our lives we are living right now. A month ago all we were hoping for was for him to be alive and well for his party on June 9th. (and let me tell you it crossed a lot of our minds that it might have been a real funeral party instead.) So many nights he was so sick we didn’t know if he would make it through the following weekend. Now I think he has every hope to make it to his 95th birthday on August 15th.

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