Getting weak

It’s amazing how life changes so quickly. Ten days ago my dad was great and now the last few days have been very difficult for him. Last week his weight was 123 and he was still able to ride his recumbent bike (50 pedals at a time) and exercise with exercise tubing. As of this morning it takes my mother and I lifting him into a rolling chair to get him to the bathroom.

We had our first Iowa City hospice visit at 10:30 today. I am so grateful for their help. My father has a slight fever and is aspirating when he drinks water. He may have pneumonia. We are going to have to decide if he does hospice care, and when/if the time comes do we continue chemotherapy.

One comment

  1. Noni Myers · · Reply

    You are all in my thoughts and prayers. You are also examples of a supportive, loving family in stressful times. I know that you’ll say it’s easy for such a wonderful guy, and you’re right!

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