Bounce Back Billy

Just a quick update that my dad has been awake! After being mostly unresponsive for a whole day, he awoke. He is still very tired (and seems to not be in too much pain). He doesn’t say much but understands quite a bit. He sips on water and ice chips and loves him some ice cream. His 95th birthday is on Wed so that is the next mile marker for us.



  1. DeAnna Kellenberger · · Reply

    I am so pleased to hear that your father is doing better. It was a real blessing to be able to visit him at his bedside. Please tell your mom and Bill that another friend of mine, who is Lebanese is concerned and praying for him as well. Her name is Deb. She really wished she could meet Bill too. Your situation reminds her of what she went through with her own father. Her own story regarding her father, being moved by the Holy Spirit of Christ, has taught me better how to pray for others in this situation. I also want you to know how much we love the videos and posts about Bill. Please tell Bill that Gordon and I both enjoyed learning more about his life and work as it was before we met him. It was all very moving. Also loved seeing Mary Jo Greek dancing. Sending our love to all of you, and Bill on his 95th birthday!…

    DeAnna Kellenberger

    1. Thank you so much for visiting the blog and for taking the time to write. We appreciate you and your mother stopping by. Thank you! 🙂

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